Your staff are your greatest asset ! Stress can be difficult to identify in an organisation as many employees are reluctant to talk about stress at work. Some workplace stress is normal however excessive stress can significantly affect the physical and emotional well being of your staff and subsequently work productivity. Work place stress is a huge concern for employees and companies in the UK and worldwide, as it’s one of the biggest causes of health problems in the workplace.
Reflexology can help……. The benefits your Company may experience are….. lower sickness and absence levels, Increased productivity, Improved concentration, increased efficiency and accuracy.
Enhance your company’s reputation within the workforce and beyond. Benefit your employees by Improving and maintaining good health, Providing a greater resistance to illness, dramatically reduce stress levels support a speedier recovery from illness. Increase resilience and encourage more effective coping strategies. I offer an in-house reflexology service. Some businesses pay for the treatments for their staff, others choose to subsidise the cost of treatment. I can provide a bespoke service to suit the needs of your company. Please contact me for more information on pricing packages.
Pamper packages on request.
The sickness absence rate (the percentage of working hours lost because of sickness or injury) increased to 2.6% in 2022, an increase of 0.4 percentage points from 2021 and up 0.7 percentage points from its pre-pandemic 2019 level. It is now at its highest point since 2004, when it was 2.7%.26 Apr 2023