What should I expect? …. You should allow approximately an hour and a quarter for your first visit. This will allow enough time for a chat about yourself and any issues you are experiencing also what you would like to achieve from a session. I will ask you to remove your socks and shoes and inspect your feet, so I may ascertain their general health and also check for anything contagious such as verruca’s, athletes’foot, fungal toe nail infections. Our preliminary chat about your lifestyle, past and current health, and medications will help to formulate your personal treatment plan. The information you share with me will be kept strictly confidential. I will use my thumbs and fingers to apply pressure to different areas or zones of the feet, this therapy is unique to each client. On completion of the treatment I will raise you to a seated position and offer you a refreshing glass of water, to re hydrate and flush out toxins from the body. I will then discuss my findings and offer any relevant after care advice, we can also discuss the best way forward for your continued health and well-being. sole spa therapies It would be helpful to make a note of any prescribed medication you’re taking, together with the dose. It is advisable not to eat a large meal immediately prior to treatment.
What can Reflexology help me with…? Reflexology can be a wonderfully relaxing experience where you can take time out from everyday pressures. The therapist’s touch will help you to relax which can help improve mood, aid sleep and relieve tension. The result is an overall sense of well being. Reflexology is a Complementary therapy and is unique to each individual client. It is very helpful as a relaxation therapy but can be beneficial in alleviating symptoms of many of today’s health conditions, just some of the benefits that may be achieved are: Increased relaxation, release of tension, Improved sleep, Improved mood, Increase in well being, pain relief. Please ask for more information on benefits achievable for specific conditions. Reflexologists do not diagnose, prescribe or treat for a specific condition; they treat the body as a whole.
Can I buy a gift voucher…? Yes… Vouchers are valid for 6 Months from date of purchase. Vouchers are non-refundable.
What if I need to cancel my appointment…? If you need to cancel your appointment, please kindly give at least 24 hours’ notice in advance of your appointment time. Late cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged a 50% cancellation fee if a replacement booking is not taken.
When can I come….? Appointments are available……ON LINE BOOKING AVAILABLE through Facebook page, bookings can also be made by email, phone call, text or fill out the contact form and we will contact you A.S.A.P
Monday 09.30am-7.00 pm Tuesday 09.30am-7.00 pm Wednesday 09.30am-7.00 pm Thursday 09.30am-7.00 pm Friday 09.30am-8.00 pm Saturday 9.30am – 4.00pm Some Sunday appointments are available on request please contact me for more info….